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Se afișează postările cu eticheta experimental. Afișați toate postările
The Other Side
Dupa ce s-a terminat cu Throbbing Gristle, Genesis s-a carat si a facut Psychic Tv impreuna cu Peter Christopherson care apoi s-a carat si a format Coil.
Desi imi plac Throbbing Gristle si Psychic Tv mult mai mult decat Coil, Coil este o trupa buna, serioasa, matura, fara prostii.
Publicat de
Ada T
miercuri, iulie 15, 2009
Daca ar fi sa fie ... ar fi cam asa
Daca as prinde pestisorul de aur si mi-ar da ocazia sa aleg o personalitate cu care sa stau la o cafea timp de cateva ore, l-as alege pe Genesis P-Orridge.
Publicat de
Ada T
marți, iulie 14, 2009
Let`s do it like they do in movies
Are you just like that? Have some turt, please! Serve yourself! No? Oh, come on! Leave it in my dick! And, how did you fuck that girl, dude? Did you put her goat? No? What are you? A child of tit? Geez, dude!
I`m gonna have to kill you now! :) Write me sometime and tell me how it feels in hell.
Is it as hot as they say it is? Or is it a place where Bon Jovi, Bono and Axl Rose are reunited in a band formed specially to make your eternal life unlivable?
Tell me, ok? Write sometime.
Bye Bye now! Bye Bye!
Nurse With Wound- Space Funk Springs
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
Publicat de
Ada T
miercuri, iulie 08, 2009
The Legendary Pink Dots sau Cum am invatat sa nu ma tem si sa iubesc o trupa
Cred ca asta este cea mai importanta trupa care a fost pe blogul asta pana acum.
The Legendary Dots inseamna foarte mult pentru ce au facut ei cat si pentru trupele pe care le-au influentat.
Deschiderea, imaginatia, energia si rafinamentul de care au dat dovada de-a lungul carierei aproape ca ma fascineaza.
Ah, si stiti ce mi se mai pare fascinant? Ca, dupa ce au terminat de cantat in Control, a venit saxofonistul la noi la masa, a dat noroc cu noi si ne-a intrebat de sanatate.
Nu am intalnit atata modestie la artisti mult mai neinsemnati.
Greu! Tare greu!
Publicat de
Ada T
luni, iulie 06, 2009
Family Joke & Familly Song
A family goes to a talent agent, the father, the mother, the son, the daughter, the grandmather and their dog:
- We have an amazing act
- No, I don`t do family acts anymore. They`re to cute
- No, we have a really good act, believe me. Would you care to watch us for a while?
- Ok.
The mom starts sucking the son`s cock while the son is licking the dog`s asshole.
The father starts fucking the grandmother in the ass then the grandmother starts puking on the floor, they all start banging each other in the puke. The father pulls out his full of shit cock from grandma`s asshole and paints her a little mustache with shit.
The father starts fucking the son, the son is going down on the mother, the mother is linking the grandma`s shity mustache, the dog is going down on grandma, the daughter is licking the dog`s asshole.
After this they all stand up and take a bow.
The talent agent says:
- Wow! That`s a hell of an act! How do you call yourselfs?
- The Artistocrats!
Publicat de
Ada T
joi, iulie 02, 2009
Pe scurt
"Muzica este ca matematica. Daca ratezi o lectie n-o sa intelegi mare lucru din lectiile urmatoare."
Quote by Ada T when she posted Diario Di Un Egoista by Tuxedomoon on Tralala Land
Publicat de
Ada T
marți, iunie 23, 2009
Psycho Wednesday Compilation
Publicat de
Ada T
miercuri, iunie 17, 2009
This Time Is Tough
Ete ca ne revedem dupa o pauza de cateva zile in care am fost si eu sa ma bronzez si sa nu ma balacesc.
Am venit montata pe lucruri serioase ca doar nu ascultam muzica pentru copii, nu-i asa? Suntem oameni cu mintile acasa, ce dracu?!
Eh ... daca am stabilit asta hai sa bagam una bucata piesa de la domnii de la Psychic Tv ca ne place de catre dansii, nu? ... NU? NUUU??????
Hai frate!
Psychic Tv- Higher & Higher
Publicat de
Ada T
marți, iunie 09, 2009
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